겟세마네 교회의 비전은?
과거부터 오늘날에 이르기까지 뉴욕겟세마네교회는 한국인 커뮤니티 중심의 사역을 이어나가고 있었습니다.
그러나! 2019년 12월 코로나 바이러스의 창궐 이후, 겟세마네 성도들은 인종과 문화를 떠나 전 세계 모든
사람들에게 예수 그리스도의 복음을 전해야 한다는 굳은 결심을 하게 되었고 이제는 전 세계에 예수 그리스도의 복음을 전파하는 디아스포라 선교 공동체로의 확장을 계획하고 있습니다.
Based on the teaching of Jesus Christ, you will receive systematic education in the teachings of the pastors who have expertise in all the contents of the Bible! Through this, you will be able to better receive and eat the words given during worships.
All members of the church should devote themselves to prayer. This is an essential condition for solid growth as the Lord's community. Prayer is communication with God. This means that we have to do two-way communication with the Lord that meets the requirements of P.R.A.Y rather than one-way communication.
Only when your family is rightly staying in Jesus Christ can they also continue a healthy life of faith in the church. If you are living different lives at church and in your family's house, start family worship right now! you can find detailed information about 'family worship' in the resource room on the menu of the church website
Church members gather in their departments and groups to conduct small group worship under the guidance of the leaders. During this cell meeting, members' opinions will be collected and the results of sessions will be reflected in the church policy and the future plans of the church.
For more information on the QT process, you can get it by accessing '큐티나눔 (QT Sharing)' located on the menu link on the church website. By reading Bible verses every day and putting these words of God into our lives, we can have the power to start a new day! You can get the driving force of your life.
Our church is oriented toward offline worship. However, in unavoidable circumstances, we are providing meetings and education through Zoom or YouTube to our church members.
Through Online Meetings, we continue to keep in touch with missionaries residing abroad and with children of the mission field who the church is supporting.